19. Recording Video in Autonomous Mode

Recording Video in Autonomous Mode

Because your hardware setup might be different from a reviewer's hardware setup, driving behavior could be different on your machine than on the reviewer's. To help with reviewing your submission, we require that you submit a video recording of your vehicle driving autonomously around the track. The video should include at least one full lap around the track. Keep in mind the rubric specifications:

"No tire may leave the drivable portion of the track surface. The car may not pop up onto ledges or roll over any surfaces that would otherwise be considered unsafe (if humans were in the vehicle)."

In the GitHub repo , we have included a file called video.py , which can be used to create the video recording when in autonomous mode.

The README file in the GitHub repo contains instructions about how to make the video recording. Here are the instructions as well:

python drive.py model.h5 run1

The fourth argument, run1 , is the directory in which to save the images seen by the agent. If the directory already exists, it'll be overwritten.

ls run1

[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_424.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_451.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_477.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_528.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_573.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_618.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_697.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_723.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_749.jpg
[2017-01-09 16:10:23 EST]  12KiB 2017_01_09_21_10_23_817.jpg

The image file name is a timestamp of when the image was seen.. This information is used by video.py to create a chronological video of the agent driving.

Using video.py

python video.py run1

Creates a video based on images found in the run1 directory. The name of the video will be the name of the directory followed by '.mp4' , so, in this case the video will be run1.mp4 .

Optionally, one can specify the FPS (frames per second) of the video:

python video.py run1 --fps 48

The video will run at 48 FPS. The default FPS is 60.